1·Engineering services to upgrade equipment for increased reliability or to add new capabilities.
2·They'll need to sign content deal with various partners and overcome a reluctance to spend more money to upgrade equipment.
3·Crews have been working for months to upgrade equipment, trim trees, and overall harden the reliability of the Pepco power system, which runs from the Washington area into New Jersey.
4·In the vast majority of cases, firms will increase dividends or upgrade their technological systems and equipment, which in some cases will replace human workers.
5·But a vast majority of the Internet has yet to upgrade its network equipment to recognize IPv6 addresses.
6·An upgrade kit for deployed equipment also will be available.
7·And it is less expensive for service providers to upgrade their equipment to than LTE.
8·Upgrade your kitchen with high-end equipment to cook fancy recipes and speed up your service.
9·By using single chip computer knowledge and, on the basis of transform and upgrade to complete, and the other by microcontroller technology manufacturing equipment also has reference value.
10·They were counting on… the equipment companies were counting on them having a big upgrade process in China.
他们寄托于… 那些设备公司寄希望于中国(客户)能够做很大规模的升级。